
"Owning" eBooks

Reading "Convergence and its discontents: From a book culture to a reading culture" by Prof. A. van der Weel (incidentally also my thesis advisor), I let my mind wander and I came up with this particular thought:

If the digital book removes the status-symbol factor of books (something the book as an object definitely has), does that mean that the only eBooks that'll be bought will be the ones that really are going to be read (therefore, less eBooks will be bought, since less and less is being read)?
On the other hand, isn’t it true that a lot of books are bought because they will, at some point, probably (or not, in some cases) will be read (this is, I suppose, the psychology of the reader)? If this is the case, the digital form of an eBook should be of no consequence (especially since the hard drive on which you store eBooks is, probably, infinitely larger than any physical shelf space (more room for books to read at some point in life, so to speak)

Keep in mind I haven't actually finished the article. The PDF file is open on my laptop as we speak and it's glaring at me to read it (I will, I just figured I'd do this first). The thought also really hasn't much to do with my thesis subject (as far as I have one, we're talking embryo phase, here.....actually, the healthy, little swimming soldiers of my mind have yet to reach the metaphorical ovum of original thought, :-)

The point I'm, hopefully successfully, trying to make is perhaps too personal. I don't know if every buyer of books works in the same way as I do. However, I would not be surprised if they do. I can't really call myself a mass reader of books (recently started to remedy that), but I do think I own quite a nice collection of different genres of books. Since I don't think this is solely for status reasons (I don't display them nearly as nice as I could) the other reason, which I frequently comment upon is this: When I buy books I might be aware of the fact I will not read them any time soon, but I'm convinced I will read them at one time in my life. Or; "I'm just building a collection for later, otherwise I'll have nothing to do when I'm old and retired".

Regardless of whether this is bullshit or not (hint; it is), it serves as a perfectly good excuse to keep buying books I won't necessarily have the time to read. And I wonder if this is true for eBooks as well. My complete thoughts on digital distribution (on anything, really) deserves more time, so I won't go into it here. But I can definitely see myself stuffing my hard drive with books to read in the future (hopefully on my then owned iPad....seriously, I want that thing so badly, :-)

Anyway, something to think about. I'll probably come back to it. This is turning out to be a longer post than originally intended anyway. You know how it works; one sentence becomes a paragraph, a paragraph becomes an entire essay, and all of a sudden you find yourself checking the spelling and argumentation and rearranging words to better suit your point, as if this is something that matters. Maybe that's the reason I don't write as much as I could/want on this blog; it just becomes too much of a hassle. Oh well, here's to....more, I guess.

I'll finish that article now, before it gets mad at me.



I've been a bit ill for the last couple of days. It's nothing serious, but the reason I wanted to say something about it is that after two days of basically doing nothing (really one and a half day) I felt so damn useless and figured I needed to do.....something, just to force myself that being ill(ish, really) wasn't an option anymore. This is, I think, a compliment to my new studies, since I used to be able to muck about for more than two days easily, doing nothing, even without the benefit of an illness to justify it.

It's intriguing.

Anyway, only here to update what I've been reading. Yes, I've even been reading. Apparently all is not lost.


PS I was hoping to revive the 'quote of the day' tradition (well, I did it once I think), but I honestly can't think of anything. Probably because my day was rather uneventful.


I know, I know, I suck!

I'm back! Sort of. I realise it's been waaaaay too long since I updated the blog. In some ways I think this is because I kept postponing writing here to avoid discussing the fact that (and why) I never write here. So I'm totally going to ignore the hows and whys and the consequences and 'how it makes me feeeel'...blegh. (whiny, bitchy voice implied, obviously)

This won't be a long post, because I'm tired (which is a regular state for me these days, I'll have you know). I am writing btw, or at least planning to write some short stories (have two well developed ideas in my head and on paper. Just need to find the time to actually sit down and write) that could develop in something more. I'll probably use this place to update and comment on that (and eventually post it, all open-access and shit).

For all the regular boring updates on life and thoughts (the shorter ones anyway) I have been using Facebook. So come find me if you haven't already! (Yes I'm talking to my imaginary blog readers. It's official, I've gone insane!)

I'm done, for now. Sleeeeeep!

I'll leave you with this: Gobbledygook! Hogwash! Humbug! Pish Tosh!

HAHAHA I just saw that I have a label 'beards'. Now that's just fucking funny!


Game Damage

Forgive me for blatantly advertising this, but I really like it, think everyone should watch it and they need sponsors and stuff, so more people should watch it. basically it's an australian show about gaming. What makes it interesting is that it's really funny, and that one of the presenters is Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw. He makes Zero Punctuation, a series at the Escapist (look at my websites) about games. He's British and it shows. I really enjoy his reviews as I enjoyed this show. Anyway, they're trying to find sponsors and more people need to watch it, so do so, damnit!

Also, the forum's really good. I know I know, gaming fora usually suck and are filled with loudmouthing kids with no actual topic aside from the size of Kasumi's boobs (doa character, shame on you). But this on has an interesting section. It's heavily modded, which is good, and it's mostly about interesting academically and artistically sound topics (well, mostly, the ironic Neo-luddite thread is quite funny).

Well, watch it, here or here

Timmorn out, lamenting the absence of my 360, listening to Creedence!

The horror, the horror

I don't intend to overshadow recent entries, since they should be read/watched as well, but in this moment of our most dark despair, I figured I should share (yay, rhyme). After I added the Beardy Game movie, I figured I'd finish Mirror's Edge, to start writing a review. Well, 2 minutes into the game it crashed. I wasn't worried at first, since the 360 is such a sinking wreck, hardware-wise, that disc read errors are more numerous than condoms in a whorehouse (par exemple). But when I rebooted, I got the terrible, don't be scared now, RED RING OF DEATH!!!!

Anyway, (being my ever so calm self) after running around in panic screaming like a girl, I called Microsoft, then UPS, and now they'll pick it up before 7 o'clock. And then, second shock (had a heart attack already?), I'll get it back after 2 to 3 weeks!!! Incidentally, this is the time before the next exam period, so I guess this is divine providence.

Now I'm just going to go cry in my pillow and eat lots of Ben and Jerries (Mmmm, Cookie Dough....yummy)

Sorry for all the name dropping (brands and everything), I'm not getting paid. I should though.

Hey Beardie

I'm usually not really into this type of American humour (or list making for that matter) but this is awesome! It combines, well, TWO of my most loved possessions, haha, beards and games! Enjoy.

Shade and Sweet Water,


Ranting, read what you like (do watch the movie though, it's awesome!)

I know I have neglected the blog for some time now, and I’m sorry. Still getting used to finding the time and will to update regularly. The fact that I’ve come back is a good sign though, considering the gap between updates (on anything, really) usually only gets wider with me. However, I have no real subject or point to make in this entry, just figured I’d rant about a couple of things, maybe embed a video or two about stuff I’m thinking about. Nothing fancy, or sophisticated though, hell no (you know me) If you find anything of interest to read, please do and just skip the rest. I find the label feature here quite handy, although it’s more of a long term idea, when there are hundreds of posts about a variety of subjects.
First, movies. Since I started working at the Videoworld (which I love, honestly, that rant before was just me being tired. it’s the awesomest job in the world) I’ve been watching a lot of movies. Of course I watched movies on a regular basis before, since, well, I like it and the knowledge I gained from watching a lot (and following movie courses at university) basically got me the job in the first place, I guess. But now, since I don’t have to pay for renting them, or even pay the fine if I hand them in too late, I’ve been watching them like crazy. I actually think I should cut down, since...well, there’s other stuff to be done. However, there’s so much to see, so many treasures to be discovered. For instance, this movie I just saw, THE FOUNTAIN. I watched Aronofsky’s REQUIEM FOR A DREAM before, and absolutely loved it (even though I thought the old lady scenes were a bit annoying). Although I have to admit that that is ultimately a better movie, THE FOUNTAIN just felt better to me, because of the subject matter I suppose (learning to live with the fact your love is going away, as opposed to REQUIEM’S drug addiction). I really can’t explain much, because I’ll definitely ruin the effect the movie has, so just…you know, watch it!!! It’s really good, but weird, but good. My colleague at the videostore doesn’t actually want to see it, because he thinks that after REQUIEM, this movie has to be a disappointment. Aside from the fact that I don’t believe that ever (it’s bullshit, but then again, I’m one of those nuts that think even bad movies ought to be watched), you will not be disappointed, Aronofsky did it again.
I also watched Star Wars THE CLONE WARS (the animated movie that’s the start of a animated series). Talk about a bad movie. I know everything that isn’t old Star Wars (the first, the old, three movies) ultimately sucks. I know, but somehow it’s still Star Wars. Or so I thought. It’s just really bad. I was sitting there going: “Oh no, don’t do that, why would he say that, this is bad....just...” etc... Anything with a lightsaber is still awesome, even though it’s shown in terrible animation with subpar textures, or whatever you call the layers on a surface in a movie (especially the skin looks like it’s from a Diablo 2 movie, which was fine in 2000), and it’s surrounded with a crappy story, gruesome dialogue and annoying characters. Really, it’s approaching Jar Jar Binks’ level of shamefulness (although never that bad). It really felt like an afternoon cartoon on Nickelodeon, and it looked like that as well. But then again, that was the entire idea. This movie is the start of a new clone wars series. And I do think the entire clone wars saga lends itself perfectly for this format, since the movies don’t dwell on the years of war in between episode 2 and 3, and there are probably many stories that could be told (all of them, eventually, equally bad and annoying, I suppose). But don’t release it in theatres then, and don’t boast the approval of George Lucas (that man has lost it completely...look at Indy). And finally, Anakin would have never, I say NEVER, have a padawan learner. She is cute though (for an alien)
Finally a bit about games (that other stuff that needs to be done I talked about). I’m playing Mirror’s Edge right now and I’m actually liking it. It seems to me that the way I enjoy games (or movies for that matter) is more and more reliant (is that the way you say that) on the way I am. Because all that criticism about the flow being gone, the combat being weak and the level design being uninspired, I can see it, I acknowledge it, but I’m still having fun. The only thing I agree with, I always agree with, is the length. Games should be longer. You pay for them (a lot!) and such a story, such a gameplay mechanic cannot be told in under ten hours (all games should be at least 15). There is a harder difficulty setting, and obviously, shorter games can be played multiple times, but still. By the way, I’m not saying this way of enjoying and gaming (like for instance, grinding being ok) is unique, it’s just interesting for me how sometimes, bad game (or movie) development doesn’t seem to bother me that much if it is at least interesting. Or maybe I just don’t have any taste...at all
Anyway, I’ll probably write a review of Mirror’s Edge soon, just have to finish it, play some on a harder difficulty (without Runner Vision) and play some time trials. Then I’ll attempt to write some.
Quick thought; there is soo much that needs to be played, so maybe a short game isn’t all that bad. I just can’t seem to bring myself to actually playing Fallout 3. I know it’s heresy, blasphemy on my part, but I haven’t played more than 3 hours. I will though.
Ok this post has been too long already, you probably didn’t even reach this point . However, I hope you did skip to the movie, since it’s my first time trying to embed anything (so appreciate the effort, damnit!) and it’s also extremely awesome. Double Fine has always impressed and intrigued me, but this is metal! METAL, BABY!!! Anyway, enjoy, and then wait a year for it to come out (sad face).

Shade and sweet water,

PS Final gaming note; everything looks so good on my new TV. I love it!

PPS Sorry for molesting awesome all the time. I know it’s an adjective, I’m just trying to see how far I can go with this before someone stops me



Eline and I went to see Shakespeare’s Hamlet (is there another?) at the LAK Theatre in Leiden yesterday evening. It was performed by the Cambridge University European Theatre Group. I had a lot of fun, because really, for all its death and insanity, it’s actually a really funny play, at times, when performed. This is something you really can’t find while reading Shakespeare. But it was performed really well, I thought, even if they were a bit chaotic. Not that I’m an expert, I’ve only seen one Shakespeare performance in my life before this one. I mean a proper performance, in English, by a British theatre group.

Because if you count every performance, I’ve actually seen Hamlet once before. I can remember it fairly well, I was a child (maybe my dad can comment? Not sure what age I was) and it was a street theatre performance. A Dutch group did Hamlet, in Dutch. What I remember most was that, after the performance, they performed the entire play once more, but in ten minutes or so. It was really funny (see, told you Hamlet’s funny), and I can even remember the actor who played Hamlet had these really big glasses to conceal himself (can’t really see why he would do that, actually, now I know the play).

But this was a real, proper, performance, very professional. Quite admirable, really, when you consider these people were basically my age, give or take a few years, and it was put together really well. Like I said, sometimes it seemed a bit chaotic, and the stage got more dirty and filled with rubbish towards the end of the performance (probably because of the huge fish tank in the middle), but it didn’t really bother me. I was pleased to find out I could understand pretty much everything, even when they were talking really fast. The other Shakespeare play we saw, in Den Haag, had subtitles (actually, supertitles, I suppose, because they were above the play) in Dutch, for ‘normal’ people. But here they didn’t have that and it didn’t seem necessary. Although I think the twenty odd high school students might’ve had some problems.

It did get me thinking though. They really did something with their talent (they were really good). And at their age, what have I done? Don’t get me wrong, I like my life, but sometimes I wonder if I lack ambition. I think there’s this website where you can enter your age and it gives you a list of people who did spectacular things in history, science, and art, at your age, or had done them by that time. It really is depressing, ha. Then again, I wonder what would I do? And perhaps the meaning of life, or at least my life, lies in some other direction. We’ll see, I’m not too old yet, I think (I hope. Maybe too old to me a prodigal child, but really, who wants that)

Saw THE DARK KNIGHT for the second time last night as well. As with all movies (and everything, basically) it was less impressing, less moving, to me the second time. Nonetheless, great movie, great cast. Bale’s voice though, as Batman, really annoying. Give that man some cough syrup, please!

Tonight Steven and I are going to see Riverside perform, twill be awesome. Awesomer (there we go) than last time, definitely, even though it’s not in the Boerderij, this time. Just because I know them better now, so I’ll enjoy it more. Not sure about the rest of the program though. I’ll talk about it tomorrow.

Quote of the day; Jack; “I’m Jack Torrance. My wife Winnifred. Danny you’ve met.”


Halloran: “Ma’am, are you a Winnie or a Freddie?”

Well I thought it was funny, just read the damn book!

Listening to…Riverside, obviously. And Demians - Building an Empire, Blue Man Group – Audio

Shade and Sweet Water (whoah that’s old)



I'm tired (tiresome?)...Work talk.

I'm tired. Am I eating properly? Maybe I'm working too much. I'm not studying enough, and I'm making money, so I suppose I am. Work was...I don't know, it's difficult. I used to dislike working alone, and enjoy working with colleagues, but that has totally changed. I'm not sure why, it's straining. I'm really not that social. The job's made me more social, by forcing me to interact with customers. It's nice that I now actually have a choice whether I want to be socially acceptable (accepted? semantics issue, not a language problem), but I'm not sure I even want that choice. I still like my co-workers, it's not their problem. Work issues just don't seem important, and still they're straining
I think I'm just tired. I'm working too much, not necessarily in hours, but I'm agreeing too often to take shifts. But it makes people happy….Am I too social? Is this me?
This is incoherent, easily misunderstood, I know. I'm tired, I'll explain tomorrow (before work, otherwise I'm tired, heh...)

I know this is ranting, incoherent, (perhaps even), bullshit. But this is also one of the many reasons (see below and, ultimately, above) why I’m doing this, so please bear with me. Or just don’t read it, ha.


Updates, a new tv and work (subtitle; second entry, yay!)

I changed some things in the lay-out, made it less juvenile and more accessible, I hope. Again, I'll change it many times before settling on a permanent look (if that'll ever happen).

Added some pictures as well. The tree underneath the title is called Celestial Tree, by Robert Venosa. He's an artist who makes more of this type of work (Birth of a Nebula's quite nice as well, I think). I figured he's a fantasy artist like Valejo or Bell, but without the naked women. Maybe that's not such a good comparison after all. On his website, there's a quote by Salvador Dali: "Bravo Venosa! Dali is pleased to see spiritual madness painted with such a fine technique." I quite like Dali, so it made more sense that I liked Venosa as well. I don't like everything, but the more abstract things are nice, the ones that are less colourful. The American (with some Dutch members) band Cynic uses his art for their album artwork (that's how I found out about him anyway).

Birth of a Nebula (Robert Venosa)

After I post this entry I’ll see if I can get a picture of myself in the About section on the left. Hopefully something aloof and wise, or at least something metal. If not, so be it. I don’t like being photographed, at least not when I have to pose. At the gala (or however you want to call it, formal dress party) last week we had our picture taken, and my smile is....embarrassing. Anyway I hope I get this blogger system enough to actually import a photo.

On to more exciting business. My new television arrived yesterday and it’s HUGE. It wasn’t that expensive, not as costly as it could have been, and certainly the cheapest in its size, even though it’s a very good brand (LG). But it looks a lot bigger in my small living room than it did at the store. Anyway, it’s HD ready, and has multiple scart, component and HDMI ports, so I’m thrilled. My games and movies all look better, I don’t have to fiddle around with switches, and it’s big enough so I can play games on the nicer couch without squinting my eyes and we can play four player splitscreen a lot better. That’s what mattered to me anyway. I’ll try and post a picture soon.

Have to go to work now, and I want to grab some lunch before, so I’ll postpone the job entry for a bit. Wanted to talk about it, but I’ll just leave it at; it’s been awkward, but fun, and I’m probably getting a raise, so yay for me.